Messy Hairstyles to Try for Natural Hair and Clip-in Hair Extensions, Too!


Messy hairstyles have never not been a top pick for an everyday or formal event. In fact, you could say these hairstyles transcend trends, because they never go out of style, can fit almost any occasion, and go well with numerous outfits. In this article, we’ll show you how messy hairstyles – whether you are wearing your natural hair or have clip-in hair extensions – can blend in with the event you wish to attend. 

Messy is the new cool

Let’s face it: there are days when we just don’t care what our hair looks like when we go out. We understand that we get lazy sometimes, so don’t beat yourself up about it. What is great about opting for the messy look is that we can style it in very minimal ways that it barely feels like a chore. Of course, there are also times when you need help from your local hairdresser to achieve the right look. 

Formal or non-formal?

First thing’s first: know what event you are going to–is it a friend’s wedding? A meetup with your girl gang? A dinner party with the family? A birthday bash? Once you have figured this out, you can easily match which messy hairstyle to go for. And if you think you cannot wear it to a formal event, then you are sadly mistaken.

Accessorise, but not too much

The formal messy hair can be similar to a casual hairstyle, except for one essential accessoryβ€”embellishments. Yes, you can attach chains, bejewelled headpieces, hair combs, or clips and pins to achieve a messy but formal look. Wear one to a wedding, charity event, formal dinner party, or a business gathering. Remember to keep your hair accessories to a minimum so as not to draw too much attention. 

Messy hair, don’t care 

Messy hair can go with any casual look. Going out with your friends? Tie your hair into a β€œlazy” bun or ponytail, and match it with a maxi dress and a pair of flats or sneakers, and you are all set. Want to let your hair down (literally)? Instead of combing your hair and flattening it with a straightener, tease your hair to give it more volume and shape.

Hair Candy

Want your messy hair styled by a professional? The hairdressers at Hair Candy has got you covered. Achieve a full, voluminous messy look with our own brand of Remy clip-in hair extensions, which you can get at Visit our website today to book an appointment or for more information.


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